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This holiday season I am lucky to work for an organization that closes down for the holidays!

Of course I am spending my time wisely – reading in bed of course!!!!

The Greatest Secret of All

A Woman Among Warlords


The minute I start to focus on my list I get excited and it inspires me to complete it…

While thinking about my book of quotes, I also want to create a book of women who inspire me – women who have made me feel happy and honored to be part of the same tribe.

Thinking about the women who inspire me gives me the extra boost of energy I need to move forward in my life when things don’t go my way or when I feel like I have to many mundane tasks to do and not enough time to do the things I want to do – like “OMG – not another load of laundry” or “Didn’t I just go to the bank to pay that bill?”.

Time can move too quickly for me and when that happens, I start getting scared and nervous that my life is going to be measured by the amount of running around I do to maintain a household, which is fairly small compared to others, than what I actually be in my life…

I think most women in my age group who have kids, work full-time or run a business, and for the most part takes care of the regularly day-to-day stuff, can understand this. So what is the solution to this “DO more society and BE less” – that’s easy – DO less and BE more. and screw the clean house!!!!

    “Women might just have something to contribute to civilization other than their vaginas.”  -Christopher Buckley, Florence of Arabia
April 2024